Friday, November 25, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 12

File Size: 114,2 mb
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 1:23:04
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. Just An Illusion - Imagination
2. Disco Fever (aRPie Fever Clubmix) - VST & Co
3. I Love To Love - Tina Charles
4. Every 1's A Winner - Hot Chocolate
5. Ain't Nobody - Chaka Khan
6. Close To Perfection - Miquel Brown
7. Where Is The Love - Delegation
8. Can't Get Enough Of Your Love - Taylor Dayne
9. Come With Me - Jesse Green
10. Shame Shame Shame - Babie Love
11. Give, Give, Give - Dance Aid
12. Burnin' Up - Michael Jonzun
13. Feel So Real - Steve Arrington
14. Dance Your Way Out Of The Door - Sharoon Dee Clarke
15. Give Me A Little Inspiration - Brenda Holloway
16. I'm In The Mood For Dancing - The Nolans
17. I'm The One Who Really Loves You - Mel & Kim
18. We Can Make It - Evans & Fisher
19. The Look Of Love - Elaine & Ellen
20. The ABC Of Kissing -  Richard Jon Smith
21. Gonna Get Along Without You Now - Viola Wills
22. First Be A Woman - Leonore O'Malley

House Mixes

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Spotlight ON AIR 08.11.11: THE BEACH PARTY

It's been awhile since I stroll down Bali's beaches. My last few holidays have been to metropolitan or countryside towns. So, with the that in mind, I made this mixes with the theme "BEACH PARTY" in mind.

Hopefully I'll be able to find a time soon to put this mixes to its use... at Kuta Beach! *fingers crossed*

File Size: 93,1 mb
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 1:07:41
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. I'll Rise - Peyt0n
2. Aurora - Er!c Kupp3r presents Org4nika
3. We Ar3 The Pe0ple - Emp!re 0f The Sun
4. W4tch The Sun C0me Up - Ex4mple
5. Imagination - J3S
6. Lov3 You L!ke A L0ve S0ng - Selen4 Gom3z & The Scen3
7. Give !t 2 Me - He4rts of Spac3
8. Rum0urs (Dig!, Dig!) - Inus4 Dawud4
9. W0rld Hold 0n - B0b Sincl4ir feat. Steve Edw4rds
10. 3mpty Streets - Lat3 Night Alumn!
11. In My B3d - Ed3i
12. Silenc3 - Deler!um feat. Sar4h McL4chlan
13. I Hat3 Th!s Part - Th3 Pussyc4t D0lls
14. Roll!ng In The D33p - 4dele
15. Milli0n D0llar Bill - Wh!tney H0ust0n


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 11: We Love Stock Aitken Waterman!

I got a request from a listener at Classic Disco Mix to make a SAW (St0ck Aitk3n Wat3rman) mixes. For those didn't know SAW, they are a BIG songwriters and producers that produce many HI-NRG TOP 40 hits from at late 80s and early 90s. Just to name a few artists under their umbrella: R!ck Astl3y, Jas0n Don0van, Kyl!e Min0gue, Donn4 Summ3r, Ban4nar4ma, Sabr!na, etc.

Personally I'm not really into SAW stuffs that much. Just find them too "bubble pop". Yet, a request is REQUEST... Especially when it comes from a loyal listener, it's "inevitable"... :D

So I created a folder and dragged all the SAW songs, as well as those that gives the same 'SAW auras'. Oh man, I just realize that I have "quite a number" of SAW songs in my library. And to claim that I am not really into them... I must be in "heavily denial state"... Hahahahaaa... 

I decided to make them into two mixes: Classic Disco Mix 10: Eighties d.p.h. & Classic Disco Mix 11: We Love Stock Aitken Waterman.

While mixing them on the fly by choosing the songs directly from the folders, I mistakenly played the same song twice. Oh my, I must be getting older and forgetful now... So please bear with it. :P

Filesize: 102,8 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 1:14:44
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. Heaven Is A Place On Earth - Belinda Carlisle
2. T00 Many Br0ken H3arts - Jas0n Don0van
3. Tak3 Me T0 Your Heart - R!ck Astl3y
4. Who's L3aving Who - Haz3ll D3an
5. Everlasting L0ve - Sandr4
6. Sh4ttered Gl4ss - L4ura Bran!gan
7. I D0n't Wann4 Get Hurt - D0nna Summ3r
8. L0ve !n The F!rst Degr33 - Ban4n4rama
9. Turn !t Into Love - Haz3ll D3an
10. J3 N3 Sa!s Pas Pourqu0i -  Kyl!e M!nogue
11. That's What L0ve Can D0 - Boykr4zy
12. Turn !t Into Love - Haz3ll Dean
13. Everyday - Jas0n Don0van
14. All 0f Me - Sabr!na
15. Cr0ss My Br0ken Heart - S!n!tta
16. Blam3 It 0n The B00gie - B!g Fun
17. Resp3ctable - M3l & K!m
18. Always 0n My M!nd - P3t Sh0p B0ys
19. G0t To B3 Certain - Kyl!e Min0gue


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