Thursday, August 7, 2014

House-Mixes.Com 80's Competition

House-Mixes.Com the web I usually upload my mixtapes to is holding competition on regular basis. And this month, the competition is BACK TO THE 80'S.

Well, being an old school junkie all this time, it would be a shame not to contribute anything to the "party". So here is my submission (a 30 mins mixtape). 

Of course after listening to the other contenders mixtapes, I wouldn't expect anything from this ordinary mixtape of mine. However, it feels good to contribute and make the competition merrier :)

File Size: 69,8 mb
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Length: 30:22
Mixed by: IndigoDeville

Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Lev3l 42 - Less0ns In Love
K00l & The Gang - Fresh
Mad0nna - Into The Gr00ve
Sabrina - Boys
Tone Loc - Funky Cold Medina
Mich4el Jacks0n - Billie J3an
Gl0ria Estefan & Miami S0und Machine - Cong4
Taylor Dayne - Tell It To My Heart
Whitn3y H0uston - I Wanna D4nce With Somebody
Noel - Silent Morning
Debbie Gibs0n - Shake Your Love
Ban4n4rama - Lov3 In The F1rst Degree

Streaming & Download:

1 comment:

Cidio Halperin said...

Hi, as always a very good selection BUT the link is broken !! Tks. Dr,DJ

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