Monday, December 26, 2011

Classic Disco Mix NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY 2012

My collaboration work with other deejays for the Classic Disco Mix fanpage 2012 Year-End Mixes. For playlists and more information, please check here.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Top 40 Mixes Factory: THE HITS OF 2011

A duo collaboration YEAR-END mixset by me and Pzach for our fanpage at facebook: TOP 40 MIXES FACTORY. It was a last minute idea since we thought of not releasing any Year-End mixset this year as I was busy with my other fanpage's Year-End Mixset: CLASSIC DISCO MIX

Anyway, it's a very HOT mix and I personally like it very much. I couldn't stop singing and dancing everytime I listen to it. Hope you all enjoy it as much as we made it.

File Size: 167,7 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 2:02:00
Mixed by: PZach & IndigoDeviLLe

PZach Playlists:
1. Party R0ck Anth3m ( feat.KID KUT & DE LA VEGA ) – LMFA0
2. S3xy & I Kn0w It – LMFA0
3. I Lik3 How It F33ls – Enr!que Igles!as feat. P!tbull
4. With0ut you – Dav!d Gu3tta feat. Ush3r
5. Never W!ll Be M!ne – Ry3 Ry3 feat. R0byn
6. Littl3 Bad G!rl – Dav!d Gu3tta feat. Tai0 Cruz & Lud4cris
7. Run Th3 W0rld – Bey0nc3
8. G00d Feel!ng – Fl0 R!da
9. We F0und L0ve – R!hanna
10. Last Fr!day N!ght – K4ty P3rry
11. Beaut!ful People – Chr!s Br0wn feat. B3nny Ben4ssy
12. G!ve M3 Ev3rything – N3 Y0 feat. P!tbull
13. Jud4s – L4dy G4g4
14. What Happ3ns In V3gas – Chuck!e feat. Greg0r Salt0
15. The Edg3 Of Gl0ry – L4dy G4g4
16. ‘till The W0rld 3nds – Br!tney Sp3ars
17. Hold It Against Me – Br!tney Sp3ars
18. 0n The Fl00r – J L0 feat. P!tbull

IndigoDeviLLe Playlists:
19. L0ca Peopl3 vs Stere0 Lov3 (Mario Santiago Bootleg) - S4k Noel vs 3dward May4
20. Thr0w Y0ur H4nds Up (Danc4r Kudur0) - Qwot3 feat. P!tbull & Luc3nzo
21. Mr. Sax0beat - Alexandr4 St4n
22. Suavement3 (Kiss M3) - Nay3r feat. P!tbull & Moh0mbi
23. Turn Ar0und (5,4,3,2,1) - Fl0-Rid4
24. T00 Much !n Lov3 - Chr!s W!ll!s
25. R0lling In Th3 D33p - Adel3
26. Don't H0ld Y0ur Br3ath - Nicol3 Sch3rzing3r
27. Sup3r B4ss - N!ck! M!naj
28. M0ves Lik3 Jagg3r - Mar00n 5 feat. Christ!na Agu!lera
29. Lov3 You Lik3 A Lov3 Song - Selen4 Gom3z & The Scen3
30. Wh0's That G!rl - Guy S3bast!an
31. Mr. Kn0w It 4ll - K3lly Clarks0n
32. S0me0ne Lik3 Y0u - Adel3


Friday, November 25, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 12

File Size: 114,2 mb
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 1:23:04
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. Just An Illusion - Imagination
2. Disco Fever (aRPie Fever Clubmix) - VST & Co
3. I Love To Love - Tina Charles
4. Every 1's A Winner - Hot Chocolate
5. Ain't Nobody - Chaka Khan
6. Close To Perfection - Miquel Brown
7. Where Is The Love - Delegation
8. Can't Get Enough Of Your Love - Taylor Dayne
9. Come With Me - Jesse Green
10. Shame Shame Shame - Babie Love
11. Give, Give, Give - Dance Aid
12. Burnin' Up - Michael Jonzun
13. Feel So Real - Steve Arrington
14. Dance Your Way Out Of The Door - Sharoon Dee Clarke
15. Give Me A Little Inspiration - Brenda Holloway
16. I'm In The Mood For Dancing - The Nolans
17. I'm The One Who Really Loves You - Mel & Kim
18. We Can Make It - Evans & Fisher
19. The Look Of Love - Elaine & Ellen
20. The ABC Of Kissing -  Richard Jon Smith
21. Gonna Get Along Without You Now - Viola Wills
22. First Be A Woman - Leonore O'Malley

House Mixes

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Spotlight ON AIR 08.11.11: THE BEACH PARTY

It's been awhile since I stroll down Bali's beaches. My last few holidays have been to metropolitan or countryside towns. So, with the that in mind, I made this mixes with the theme "BEACH PARTY" in mind.

Hopefully I'll be able to find a time soon to put this mixes to its use... at Kuta Beach! *fingers crossed*

File Size: 93,1 mb
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 1:07:41
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. I'll Rise - Peyt0n
2. Aurora - Er!c Kupp3r presents Org4nika
3. We Ar3 The Pe0ple - Emp!re 0f The Sun
4. W4tch The Sun C0me Up - Ex4mple
5. Imagination - J3S
6. Lov3 You L!ke A L0ve S0ng - Selen4 Gom3z & The Scen3
7. Give !t 2 Me - He4rts of Spac3
8. Rum0urs (Dig!, Dig!) - Inus4 Dawud4
9. W0rld Hold 0n - B0b Sincl4ir feat. Steve Edw4rds
10. 3mpty Streets - Lat3 Night Alumn!
11. In My B3d - Ed3i
12. Silenc3 - Deler!um feat. Sar4h McL4chlan
13. I Hat3 Th!s Part - Th3 Pussyc4t D0lls
14. Roll!ng In The D33p - 4dele
15. Milli0n D0llar Bill - Wh!tney H0ust0n


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 11: We Love Stock Aitken Waterman!

I got a request from a listener at Classic Disco Mix to make a SAW (St0ck Aitk3n Wat3rman) mixes. For those didn't know SAW, they are a BIG songwriters and producers that produce many HI-NRG TOP 40 hits from at late 80s and early 90s. Just to name a few artists under their umbrella: R!ck Astl3y, Jas0n Don0van, Kyl!e Min0gue, Donn4 Summ3r, Ban4nar4ma, Sabr!na, etc.

Personally I'm not really into SAW stuffs that much. Just find them too "bubble pop". Yet, a request is REQUEST... Especially when it comes from a loyal listener, it's "inevitable"... :D

So I created a folder and dragged all the SAW songs, as well as those that gives the same 'SAW auras'. Oh man, I just realize that I have "quite a number" of SAW songs in my library. And to claim that I am not really into them... I must be in "heavily denial state"... Hahahahaaa... 

I decided to make them into two mixes: Classic Disco Mix 10: Eighties d.p.h. & Classic Disco Mix 11: We Love Stock Aitken Waterman.

While mixing them on the fly by choosing the songs directly from the folders, I mistakenly played the same song twice. Oh my, I must be getting older and forgetful now... So please bear with it. :P

Filesize: 102,8 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 1:14:44
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. Heaven Is A Place On Earth - Belinda Carlisle
2. T00 Many Br0ken H3arts - Jas0n Don0van
3. Tak3 Me T0 Your Heart - R!ck Astl3y
4. Who's L3aving Who - Haz3ll D3an
5. Everlasting L0ve - Sandr4
6. Sh4ttered Gl4ss - L4ura Bran!gan
7. I D0n't Wann4 Get Hurt - D0nna Summ3r
8. L0ve !n The F!rst Degr33 - Ban4n4rama
9. Turn !t Into Love - Haz3ll D3an
10. J3 N3 Sa!s Pas Pourqu0i -  Kyl!e M!nogue
11. That's What L0ve Can D0 - Boykr4zy
12. Turn !t Into Love - Haz3ll Dean
13. Everyday - Jas0n Don0van
14. All 0f Me - Sabr!na
15. Cr0ss My Br0ken Heart - S!n!tta
16. Blam3 It 0n The B00gie - B!g Fun
17. Resp3ctable - M3l & K!m
18. Always 0n My M!nd - P3t Sh0p B0ys
19. G0t To B3 Certain - Kyl!e Min0gue


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Spotlight ON AIR: 10.10.11

Made two commercial house mixes this week. While the previous one is more on the classic remakes and clubbing ambience, this one is more on the pop hits and radio style. Listen & enjoy!

File Size: 94,2 mb
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 1:08:31
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. Som3one Like Y0u - Ad3le
2. The 3dge Of Gl0ry - L4dy Gag4
3. D!rty Talk - Wynt3r Gord0n
4. Sup3r B4ss - Nick! M!naj
5. Wh4tcha Say - Jas0n D3rulo
6. Ins0mnia - Cra!g Dav!d
7. L4st Frid4y N!ght - K4ty P3rry
8. I Wann4 Danc3 With Someb0dy - Andrea Mendoza vs Tibet feat. Manuela
9. Coll!de - Leon4 Lew!s
10. Now 0r Nev3r - Jod!e Conn0r
11. Please D0n't L3ave M3 - P!nk
12. Burn - Jess!ca Maub0y
13. Bust Y0ur Wind0ws - Jazm!ne Sull!van
14. B4by By M3 - 50 C3nt
15. V!va La V!da - Cinn4mon feat. Alisha King
16. K!ss!n' You - Mir4nda Cosgr0ve


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Spotlight ON AIR: 11.10.11

A recording from my unprepared mixing session recording that I decide to share with you all. Songs were picked randomly based on whatever shown on my screen. I was gonna end it with 'NITON', but then at the last minute I decided to add some more songs to make it into one-hour mix. That's why 'Be As One' came in a little late.

It's far from perfect nor tidy, nevertheless, still enjoyable... I guess :P

File Size: 79,4 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 57:44
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. Pr0p3r Educat!on (Radio Edit) - Er!c Prydz vs P!nk Fl0yd
2. Numb 3ncore (Deejay-Jany Dance Extended) - J4y-Z vs L!nkin P4rk
3. S3lf Control (D.O.N.S. Remix) - R0yal Gigolos
4. Don't St0p Bel!ev!ng (DJ TEVA Sunday Club Rework) - J0urney vs DJ Teva
5. I'm In Lov3 (Robbie Rivera Final Mix) - Al3x G4udin0
6. R3lax (Chicane Full Mix) - Fr4nkie Go3s To Hollyw00d
7. Wild B0ys 2004 - Dur4n Dur4n
8. Lonel!ness (Club Mix) - Tomcraft
9. N0t Gonn4 Get Us (Richard Morels Pink Noise Vocal Mix) - t.4.T.u
10. Brom4nce (The Lov3 You S33k) (Av!cii's Extended Vocal Mix) - Tim B3rg
11. Nit0n (Club Mix) - Er!c Prydz
12. B3 As On3 - Sash4 & Mari4 (12" Version)
13. Ch!ldr3n (Radio Edit) - Rob3rt Mil3s


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Spotlight ON AIR: 26.09.11

File Size: 87,7 mb
Bitrate: 192 kbps

1. F3dde L3 Grand - Wild And Raw
2. Beyonc3 - Girls (Wh0 Runs The W0rld)
3. L4dy G4g4 - Jud4s
4. M0vet0wn - N0w That We F0und L0ve
5. P!tbu11 feat. Afr0jack, N3-Y0 & Nay3r - G!ve Me Everyth!ng
6. S!dney Sams0n - R!vers!de
7. Jess!e J - Pr!ce T4g
8. C33-L0 Green - Fuck Y0u
9. L30na L3w!s - H4ppy
10. Fl0-R!da - C1ub Can't H4ndle Me
11. Je4n El4n - Where's Y0ur Head 4t
12. Sug4b4bes - N0 Can D0
13. Kyl!e M!n0gue - A11 The L0v3rs
14. Gl0ria Est3fan & M1am1 S0und Mach!ne - C0ng4
15. J4y Se4n - D0wn


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Spotlight ON AIR: 13.09.11

It's been awhile since I made any commercial house / top 40 mixes. The playlists that I've prepared for Spotlight 9 were "fried" along with the motherboard of my old laptop. And to prepare it all over again, I'm just too lazy. The mood is gone.

I think those days where I would sit down, and choose carefully and patiently which songs and their remixes for my upcoming mixtapes are gone. I just get more and more lazier now.

Yet, the requests for TOP 40/Commercial House mixes keep coming it. I felt that I owe these mixes to my listeners whose been following my music since the very beginning I started mixing.

So rather than no mixtapes, I've decided to publish the recordings of my live broadcasts (called Spotlight ON AIR). Please keep in mind that these live mixes are far from perfect and totally unprepared. Most of the time I only select the first 3-4 songs to set the mood, then the rest just go with the flow. And if I make mistakes then just let it be, there's no turning back to make sit all over again (told ya I'm lazy... Wkwkwkwkww).
So, please bear with it :)

But one thing I can promise you all: I'LL MAKE YOU DANCE to these mixes!


File Size: 132,2 MB
Length: 1:36:12
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. R0bert M!les - 0ne & 0ne
2. 3dward Maya feat. Al!c!a - Stere0 L0ve
3. Dada, Obernik & Harris - Stere0 Flo
4. Lak!sha Jones - Let's G0 Celebrate
5. Anjul!e - L0ve S0ngs
6. Savag3 Gard3n - T0 The M00n & Back
7. P1tbu11 feat. M4rc 4nth0ny - Ra!n 0ver Me
8. Far 3ast M0vement - L!ke A G6
9. Jenn!fer L0pez feat. P1tbu!! - 0n The Fl00r (DJ Henri Bet Extended Mix)
10. Alexandra Stan - Mr. Sax0beat
11. Y0landa Be C00l - We N0 Speak Amer!can0
12. Shak!ra - L0ca
13. Gl0r!a Est3fan - Wepa
14. Mad0nn4 - G!ve !t To Me
15. Mar00n 5 feat. Chr!st!na Agu!lera - M0ves L!ke Jagg3r
16. Mayra Ver0n!ca - Freak Like Me
17. N!cole Scherz!nger - Po!s0n
18. Br!tney Sp3ars - T!ll The W0rld 3nds
19. Klaas Meets Haddaway - What !s Love
20. M0vet0wn - Girl You Know It's True
21. M0dern Talk!ng - Hey You (Edgar III After Dinner Remix)


NB: To download at House-Mixes, you'll have to register at the site first.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 10: Eighties d.p.h.

Files Size: 87,9 mb
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 01:03:30

1. The Jets - Cross My Broken Heart
2. Rick Astley - Together Forever (Jamtrx Remix)
3. Donna Summ3r - This Time I Kn0w It's F0r Real
4. Fun House - Dancing Easy
5. Jason Donovan - Nothing Can Divide Us
6. Bad Boys Blue - You're A Woman
7. Paula Abdul - Forever Your Girl
8. Sabrina - Boys
9. Sinitta - Toy Boy
10. Wh1tn3y Houst0n - I Wann4 Danc3 With S0meb0dy
11. J4net J4ckson - Bl4ck C4t
12. Taylor Dayne - Tell It To My Heart
13. Sonia - You'll Never Stop Me From Loving You
14. Evans & Fisher - You Set My Heart On Fire
15. Samantha Fox - Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now
16. Kyl1e Min0gue - I Sh0uld Be S0 Lucky


NB: To download from House-Mixes, you'll have to register with the site.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 09: Rain.. Rain.. Rain...

This week Official.FM has messaged me that it is going to be a paid file hosting sites. Paying USD 30.00 for 200 mixes per year. Considering there are still so many free hosting sites, I'm considering if it's worth it to pay this sum. Anyway, in addition to Official.FM, I've also been uploading my mixes all this time at

Thus, from now on to view my mixes, please go to there. To download, you'll have to join it. It will take you maximum 3 minutes to register there. Definitely an amount of time that is much much shorter than how long it takes me in preparing and making these mixes.

This is another recording from my Live Broadcast at for Classic Disco Mix fanpage listeners at That evening, I suddenly had an idea of playing songs that's "RAIN" related. So I ended up only playing 5 "rain" songs... The rest just doesn't seem to fit into the energy.

So, listen and enjoy! :)

File Size: 253 mb
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 1:50:27
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. The Rain - Samira
2. Crying In The Rain - Yeah
3. I Wish It Would Rain Down - Jackie Moore
4. Blame It on The Rain - Milli Vanilli
5. Getaway - Operative System
6. Tokyo Town - Sherryln G
7. Staying Alive - Fever feat. Tippa Irie
8. Sunshine After The Rain - Angelica
9. Mr. Postman - Chanell N Roy
10. Help Me Dr. Dick - E-Rotic
11. Clap Clap - Mauro Pilato & Max Monti
12. Rich Girl - Louchie Lou and Michie One
13. Iko Iko - Captain Jack
14. Too Good To Be Forgotten - Amazulu
15. Lovely Day - Bill Withers
16. Lean On Me - Club Nouveau
17. Girl You Know It's True - Numarx
18. Set Adrift On Memory Bliss - P.M. Dawn
19. Sunrise - Simply Red
20. Sending All My Love - Linear
21. Congratulations - Sydney Youngblood
22. Oops Up - Snap
23. Kolam Susu - Koes Plus
24. Straight Up - Paula Abdul
25. If I Can't Have You - Chyp-Notic
26. Dying Inside (To Hold You) - Timmy Thomas


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 08: Take It Easy

For those who are unaware, I have set up a fanpage named CLASSIC DISCO MIX with other friends. Since few months ago, we take turns to play live every weeknights for our listeners. So most of my "Classic Disco Mix" series here are the actual recordings from the show.

That night I was very tired after a heavy workout routine at my gym. The deejay who was supposed to broadcast for that night wasn't available. But we've got listeners waiting. So I was asked to fill in. Totally unprepared, I played whatever came up on my laptop screen as I browse through my library. The idea was to play something 'easy' and 'sing-a-long' rather than making the audience dance, since I was very tired myself to dance. FYI, when I make my mixes... I actually dance to it to feel the whole energy flow... Hahahahaa ;)

Listening back to the recording, I think I managed to pull out a good show that night successfully.

Anyway, listen and enjoy... :)

Filesize: 92,9 mb
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 1:07:32
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe
1. If It's Love - Sydney Fresh feat. Yanou
2. Pray - Take That
3. Only You - Jackie Moore
4. Walk On By - Sybil
5. For You - Jessica Jay
6. Crying In The Rain - Yeah
7. Who Is It - Michael Jackson
8. Stars - Simply Red
9. Piano In The Dark - Brenda Russell
10. Never Stop - Brand New Heavies
11. Fall Into My Love (@RP!e Soul Mix) - Black Box
12. Breakaway - Donna Summer
13. Groovin' - UB40
14. Don't Look Any Further - M People
15. It's No Secret - Kylie Minogue
16. Close To You - Whigfield
17. What's Goin On - Marvin Gaye


Thursday, June 23, 2011


File Size: 132,3 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length: 1:36:11
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. Final Countdown - Europe
2. Eye Of The Tiger - DJ Viper X feat. Amel
3. Shadow - House Of Voodoo
4. Do You Miss Me - Jocelyn Enriquez
5. Whenever Whenever - Shakira
6. Fantasy Girl - Johnny O
7. Where Do You Go - No Mercy
8. They're Playing Our Song - Trinere
9. Say It's Gonna Rain - Will To Power
10. Without Y0ur Love - Ang3lina
11. Yo No Se - Pajama Party
12. My Heart Skips A Beat - The Cover Girls
13. Never Let You Go - Sweet Sensation
14. Scars Of Love - TKA
15. Without You - George Lamond
16. Spring Love 2007 - Stevie B feat. Pitbull
17. Finally - Ce Ce Peniston
18. Walking Away - Information Society
19. Let The Music Play - Shannon
20. Inside Outside - The Cover Girls
21. Together Forever - Lisette Melendez
22. H0ld It Ag4inst Me - Britn3y Sp3ars
23. I Need You - GT
24. Think - Information Society
25. Change - Noel 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 06

A recording from my live broadcast at on May 13th, 2011 for listeners at

File size: 120,2 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length time:  1:27:22
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. Mea Culpa - Enigm4
2. What Is Sadness - Device
3. Foreign Affair - D'Twins
4. Tubular Bells - JB Orchestra
5. Happy Nation - Ace Of B4se
6. Hippychick - SOHO
7. Too Funky - G3orge Micha3l
8. Get Down - Black Box
9. La La La (Means I Love You) - Box Seven
10. Next To You - Aswad
11. Bacardi Feeling - Double Jam
12. Love & Devotion - Real McCoy
13. - Ken Laszlo
14. You Sexy Thing - Hot Chocolate
15. December 1963 (Oh What A Night) - The Four Seasons feat. Frankie Valli
16. Too Late (True Love) - The Real Milli Vanilli
17. Play That Song - Stefano Secchi
18. Touch Me - Samantha Fox
19. I'm Not Scared - Eighth Wonder
20. Shout - Tears For Fears
21. You Can Win If You Want - Modern Talking
22. Dance Little Lady - Tina Charles

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 05

File size: 106,2 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length time:  1:17:08
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. Oops Up! - Snap
2. Good Love - Klymaxx
3. Another Sad Love Song - Toni Braxton
4. Good Enough - Bobby Brown
5. That's The Way L0ve Go3s - Jan3t Jacks0n
6. Dre4mlover - Mari4h Car3y
7. Crazy 4 U - Sybil
8. My Name Is Not Susan - Whitney Houston
9. Do The Bartman - The Simpsons
10. If I Had No Loot - Tony! Toni! Tone!
11. Tubthumpin' - Chumbawamba
12. Humpin' Around - Bobby Brown
13. The Power Of Bhangra - Snap vs Motivo
14. Gonna Make You Sweat - C & C Music Factory
15. Voice Of Freedom - Freedom Williams
16. Go For It - Joey B. Ellis & Tynetta Hare
17. Too Much Of A G00d Thing - Kyli3 Min0gue
18. Silent Morning - Noel
19. My Male Curiosity - Kid Creole & The Coconuts

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 1st Anniversary

About a year ago, aRPie from Classic Beat contacted to me and Zabreack from Dance Through The Past for creating a fanpage at Facebook specializing in Classic Disco Mixes (songs from 70s, 80s and 90s). Since then, the group got bigger and bigger and we have more deejays joining and posting their mixes.

Well, on April 14th, 2011 last week, we had our 1st Anniversary for our fanpage: CLASSIC DISCO MIX. Each of us contributed a mixtape to celebrate the event. The below link is my mixtape. If you want to find out more, visit this link.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 04

Another live recording while broadcasting at on April 1st, 2011. 

I always believe that in order to make your mixset 'alive', you have to "dance to it" while making it. Well, I wasn't that evening. Probably I was too tired after a heavy gym session. So I thought it didn't went really well, but when reviewing the recording, it is "quite acceptable".

I had a little panicky moment during the transition from "Lessons In Love" to "Easy Lady" when the beat of the 1st song suddenly jumped and decided to sprint on me. I think the last time I played this song (Lessons In Love) was when I made Goin' Eighties 6... long time ago :P

Anyway, listen and enjoy!

File size: 104,5 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length time:  1:16:12 mins

1. Nothing Compares To You - 2U
2. Walk On The Wildside - Blue System
3. Ma Baker - Milli Vanilli
4. Tell Me That You Wait - Culture Beat
5. Kungfu Fighting - Carl Douglas
6. Nice And Slow - George McCrae
7. Show Me - The Cover Girls
8. Sincerely Yours - Sweet Sensation
9. Lessons In Love - Level 42
10. Easy Lady - Spagna
11. Geil - Bruce & Bongo
12. Real Love - J0dy Watley
13. One Night In Bangkok - Murray Head
14. I Can Dream About You - Dan Hartman
15. I Don't Want To Be A Hero - Johnny Hates Jazz
16. It Would Take A Strong, Strong Man - Rick Astley
17. Keep On Dancing - Clio & Kay
18. When I'm Good & Ready - Sybil
19. I Sh0uld Be S0 Lucky - Kyli3 Min0gue
20. California Dreaming - Midnight Shift

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 03

A totally unplanned set that I recorded when I broadcasted live on Friday, 25 March 2011 on U-Stream for facebook fanpage's Classic Disco Mix listeners.

I played on whatever came to my mind at that time while browsing at my music library and try my best to play audience requests as many as possible. As you can see, the genres are going everywhere and there were times I was totally at lost wondering what I would play next. Some songs were also played for the first time, and I just found out they were badly ripped. 

Also experienced some computer problems like audio glitches, eg. during the transition from Body Dancer to Sherry Mi-Sai; and one major problem that still keeps me wondering till now: the volume and bpm suddenly dropped severely while playing Sherry Mi-Sai. What happened...??? Is it time to change to a newer laptop??? Please don't! :(

Well, I could try to remake the whole mixset again by amending the playlist and fixing the mistakes here and there. But then again, this is my "Classic Disco Mix" series. It is supposed to be SPONTANEOUS, LIVE and ON-THE-SPOT. By doing this, I can always come back to look at my mistakes every time and learn from them for my future live performances.

Thus, if you seek perfection, perhaps you should skip this series. :)

File size: 129 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length time:  1:33:45 mins

1. Wipe Out - The Fat Boys
2. Push It - Salt N' Pepa
3. Funky Cold Medina - Tone Loc
4. Pancho Villa - Magazine 60
5. Cha Cha Cha - Finzy Kontini
6. Don't Cry - Ken Laszlo
7. Don't Wake Me Up - J.D. Jaber
8. Body Dancer - Magic Fire
9. Sherry Mi-Sai - Monte Kristo
10. B0rd3rline - M4donn4
11. How Will 1 Kn0w - Wh1tn3y H0ust0n
12. Celebration Rap - Mc Miker G & Deejay Sven
13. Operator - Midnight Star
14. Inside To Outside - Limahl
15. Head To Toe - Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam
16. Snake In The Grass - Midnight Star
17. Cross My Broken Heart - The Jets
18. What You Don't Know - Expose
19. Never Let You Go - Sweet Sensation
20. Shake Your Love - Debbie Gibson
21. Spring Love - Stevie B
22. Inside Outside - The Cover Girls
23. Gonna Make It - Sa-Fire
24. Summertime Summertime - Nocera
25. The Promise - When In Rome
26. Love Is In The Air - Steve Allen

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Classic Disco Mix 02

Recorded this while performing live at

On Tuesday night at 23:00 on 22 March 2011. So, please bear with some mistakes I made, e.g.: during the transition from 'No One In This World' to 'Shirlee', I accidentally hit the crossfader while performing backspin... Hehehee... Anyway, enjoy the mix and hopefully you'll be able to join me on my next broadcast.

File size: 88,9 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length time:  1:04:35 mins
Mixed by: IndigoDeviLLe

1. There's Got To Be A W4y - M4r1ah Car3y
2. K33p 1t Together - M4donn4
3. L0ve Will Never D0 - J4net J4cks0n
4. Do Anything - Natural Selection
5. Don't Be Cruel - B0bby Br0wn
6. The Message Is Love - Arthur Baker & The Disciples
7. Hello Babe - Sterling Silver
8. Ooh La Laa - SAM Jam
9. Day By Day - Kim Wan Sun
10. Keep On Movin' - Soul II Soul
11. This House - Tracie Spencer
12. Hold You Tight - Tara Kemp
13. No One In This World - The Cover Girls
14. Shirlee - Unity 2
15. I Need You - BVSMP
16. I Will Survive - Crysis

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Goin' Eighties - Session 13

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Love Potion #3



Multiple Files:

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Roaring 90s III - EURODANCE

File size: 90,1 MB
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Length time: 1:05:24 mins
BPM: 128 - 138,5

1. Don't You Want Me (Hooj Mix) - Felix
2. Open Your Mind (Classic Mix) - Usura
3. Twilight Zone (Rave Version) - 2 Unlimited
4. Baby Baby (Lee Marrow Extended Mix) - Corona
5. Santa Maria (Wah-Hey Mix) - Tatjana
6. Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Mobius Loop Mix) - Nicki French
7. Right In The Night (Extended Mix) - Jam & Spoon feat. Plavka
8. It's A Rainy Day (New Extended Remix) - Ice MC
9. Ooh Aah... Just A Little Bit (Motiv8 Extended Vocal Mix) - Gina G
10. Drive Me Crazy (Dindon Extended Mix) - Espresso
11. Be My Lover (Club Mix) - La Bouche
12. Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Trans Euro Mix) - Mc Sar & The Real Mccoy
13. Run Away (Club Attack Mix) - Mc Sar & The Real Mccoy
14. This Is Your Night (Original 12" Mix) - Amber
15. Whoomph! (There It Is) (Time Gents Please) - Clock
16. Max, Don't Have Sex With Your Ex... (Dance The Max Remix) - E-Rotic
17. Do You Miss Me (X Mix) - Jocelyn Enriquez

Single Mp3:

Multiple Mp3:

Monday, January 24, 2011


Single File:

Multiple Files:

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